• Introducing BoostBox: The 1st WordPress popup builder for the core editor

    What better way to start off the year than to release a free WordPress plugin that lets you design your popups using the core WordPress editor? That’s exactly what I’m doing today – say hello to BoostBox 😎 Whether you and I like or not, WordPress has gone FSE and it’s not going back to…

  • Improve CLS scores by dynamically setting image width and height

    While working on WordPress performance optimization for myself and for my clients, I’ve come across an issue that repeatedly affected CLS scores in a negative way. Luckily for myself (and now you, too), I created a fix that has helped reduced CLS when rouge images without explicit width and height attributes are the offenders. For…

  • WordPress plugin with 5M+ active installs can be utilized in DDoS attacks

    While doing some vulnerability research for WordPress plugins myself and my clients use, I came across a plugin with 5M+ active installs that can be used in DDoS attacks by non-authenticated users. Let me preface this to say that the plugin itself is not vulnerable to a hack AFAIK, but has a flaw (IMO) that…