Minimalism is beautiful. There’s something about the clean, airy feeling you get when you look at a design that’s truly minimalist in it’s execution that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. At least that’s how it makes me feel. In the spirit of beautiful minimalism, today I am releasing my second free WordPress…

  • Run a Tor relay

    Tor is an important tool for your privacy, security and freedom of speech. In an increasingly Orwellian world, Tor has become one of the most important tools, in my opinion, for you to be truly free online. I would like to start doing my part to help out with a project that I’ve personally used…

  • Clean Blog

    Today, I am releasing my first official open source WordPress theme. I’ve worked with WordPress for years, but have never created anything that is free to download … until now. Being able to create open source projects, like WordPress themes, has always weighed heavy on my mind. Without WordPress itself, and the free themes released…